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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Flared, conical, woven coil basket with a small circular base. Basket is light yellow-brown with black and yellow designs.

History Of Use

Woman’s field, or burden, basket (ohumba); used to carry harvested crops and agricultural tools, such as a hoe and pounder. The raised and hollowed base of this basket allows it to be worn on top of the head. Grass weaving is done by both men and women, but baskets are traditionally woven by most women. Geometric patterns are common in Ovimbundu baskets and certain designs are used to indicate the capacity of a basket; uncertain if those types of designs are present on this basket.


Obtained by donor between 1940 and 1966 when they were working at an Angolan school for women in Candrundungo. It is likely the basket was made by one of the women at the school.

Specific Techniques

Basket is made using a coiling process; likely this basket is tilted due to an inconsistency in coil thickness. Dyes used in this basket are yellow and black. Yellow dye is made from roots of wild rhubarb (ocilunguluila). The roots are pounded and placed in cold water with the grasses used to create the coils. Afterwards, the mixture is placed in a fire to boil for half an hour, turning the grasses amber-yellow. Black dye is made when the leaves of evava are mixed in a solution of iron obtained from stagnant muddy pools. Grasses are placed into the evava-iron solution and boiled to darken. It can be darkened further by boiling the solution again with the addition of pounded ungalo leaves.

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