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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Female figure in profile, but with the head turned to the right side, walking to the left side carrying a long pole with a circular black top that has grey lines flowing to the right side. Figure's right foot in front is straight, and the left hand is showing at an angle to the right side. Has upswept hairdo with pins and ribbon. Flowing light yellow robe over a plaid under blouse and a vest decorated with a light geometric pattern on a black background. Chain around the neck is centred with a piece of knotted material. Skirt over orange material. Wearing sandals. In the lower right corner is a row of written characters.


The print is signed 豐廣画 (Toyohiro ga). The print is not the final version, but shows an early stage of the woodblock printing process. The finalized print is a multi-coloured nishiki-e (-for example, see prints from the same series in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, #21.8447-60).

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