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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Rectangular wool robe with designs all around border and a long fringe along three edges. The off-white blanket has a narrow geometric border around all the edges; red and purple along the top and bottom and red, purple, blue along the sides. The off-white fringe runs along three edges with red strands between, evenly spaced all around.


In 1982, a grandson of John Clayton (D'arcy Christensen) said the robe was acquired by his grandfather around 1870, in Bella Coola, as a trade item. Clayton was a Hudson's Bay Co. factor in Bella Coola, the first in the area. The robe was handed down through the family to Christensen, who sold it via Pappas Traders, at auction. There is a Canadian Museum of History archives photograph (50119) of what appears to be this robe, where the notes say it was made of mountain goat wool, together with a little white man's yarn in the fringe, by an old Bella Coola woman doctor named Sa Koola aulili. The photograph is one of a series of photographs taken by Harlan Smith, of Mrs. Clayton's collection. (Refer to "The Bella Coola Valley: Harlan I. Smith's Fieldwork Photographs, 1920-1924" edited by L.H. Tepper, 1991.)

Specific Techniques

This robe was made using a fine, two-strand twining technique.

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