Procession Cross
Item number 1262/293 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number 1262/293 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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An elaborately carved cross-shaped wood piece.
The three kinds of crosses found in Ethiopia are staff-mounted crosses, hand crosses and cross pendants. This is a procession, or hand, cross. While pendant crosses are commonly worn by Christian lay people of any sex or age, hand crosses are owned by clerics, monks, or dabtaras. Dabtaras are educated clerics within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church who practice magic, holding hand crosses during rituals. Priests within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church often carry small hand crosses which are passed on from father to son. They hold them close to their chest when photographed or in religious ceremonies. Congregations also kiss hand crosses in order to receive blessings when they greet the priest. Priests reserve the use of larger hand crosses for the liturgy. Monks also may use hand crosses to bless other Christians. They are usually made of wood or metal.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
An elaborately carved cross-shaped wood piece.
The three kinds of crosses found in Ethiopia are staff-mounted crosses, hand crosses and cross pendants. This is a procession, or hand, cross. While pendant crosses are commonly worn by Christian lay people of any sex or age, hand crosses are owned by clerics, monks, or dabtaras. Dabtaras are educated clerics within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church who practice magic, holding hand crosses during rituals. Priests within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church often carry small hand crosses which are passed on from father to son. They hold them close to their chest when photographed or in religious ceremonies. Congregations also kiss hand crosses in order to receive blessings when they greet the priest. Priests reserve the use of larger hand crosses for the liturgy. Monks also may use hand crosses to bless other Christians. They are usually made of wood or metal.
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