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Jade boulder cut in grooves and faces.* Fide donor GTE: Large jade boulder from which a section has been cut and two shallow grooves have been commenced. Boulders large and small of jade serpentine and other hard fine grained, tough material, generally greenish in color, are found upon old village sites and camping grounds, grooved on one or both surfaces, cut in two, or cut in a number of faces, with grooves between, and thin broken ridges. These latter indicate where sections were sawed off with the coarse silicious sandstone saws or knives in order to obtain suitable pieces for chisels, celts and adzes. Remarks: Jade or nephrite cobble with sections removed; additional sawmark on adjacent surface, parallel to competed cuts. [See Artifacts of the Northwest, page 43, by Hilary Stewart 1981].Yellow tape adhered to bottom. *Information is from the original accession ledger.

Geographical Search Terms

British Columbia Canada North America Pacific Northwest Plateau

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