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Necklace consisting of bone and glass beads. The bone is carved to resemble three claws or the teeth of animal (bear); strung together with Russian trade beads which are two shades of blue.

History Of Use

This necklace is made from trade beads. In the past, dentalia shells were traded extensively throughout the Pacific Northwest (prior to European contact) and they appear in the archaeological record spanning back several millenia. More recently blue glass and other trade beads, like the ones in this necklace, became popular items of exchange with Europeans. Anthropologist Homer Barnett notes that traditionally: "body ornaments were not worn as part of everyday dress. They were expensive and so were reserved for ceremonial occasions (1955:76)."

Cultural Context

trade; ceremonial

Iconographic Meaning

On the mainland, "it was generally believed that the bear was human or very close to human, but it was not addressed in kinship terms. It was supposed to recieve substenance during hibernation by licking its paws. Bear hunters kept as amulets a little bone found under the animals tongue and a few of the grey hairs from its occiput. Carrying these charms made bears easier to kill (Barnett 1955:106-7)." According to anthropologist Homer Barnett, some Coast Salish communities on the Island also held similar beliefs and practices.

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