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This information was automatically generated from data provided by The Burke: University of Washington. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Leaf shaped arrow heads (plain). Remarks: 4 traded for acc. 3822; 6 traded to CMNH. Number of specimens in upper left corner was recorded by Frank Barnett who checked the material in 1929 while working at the museum as a volunteer.* 5/7/1990, five points located. 5-30-91 one point returned from Marymoor Museum (not known how many were originally loaned). 7 Points loaned to Public Utility District No. 1, Chelan County, Rocky Reach Dam and cannot be located. NOTE: determined to be lost while on loan- R. Andrews 9/18/1995. NOTE: 2 Points were exchanged to Grant County PUD, 6/5/1970. See accn file. (9/22/1993, DH) Four points (5705/53, 5705/4, 5705/8?, 5705/243) returned from Grant County Public Utility District, Wanapum Dam Heritage Center on January 25, 1995. These materials were originally sent to Grant County PUD for future exchange (see Borrower's Agreement - 1966), but the exchange papers were never drawn up. Since this material was only loaned, not deaccessioned, the Grant County PUD returned it to the Burke. (L. Phillips, 1/26/95). Previous counts indicate a total of 396 tools, of which 142 were located and examined. There currently are 114 lanceolate chert points, 8 triangular chert points, 3 triangular concave chert points, one stemmed chert point, 1 contracting base chert point, four serrated lanceolate chert points, one Plateau Pentagonal (chert) knife, 8 chert chipped stone tools, one obsidian lanceolate point and one petrified owood lanceolate point in the remaining collection. (6/95). NOTE: 7 points were loaned to Washington State Parks. 5 were returned and 2 were determined to be lost while on loan. R.Andrews 9/15/1995. *Information is from the original accession ledger.

Geographical Search Terms

Eastern Washington Klickitat County Lower Columbia North America Pacific Northwest Plateau Washington State Western United States

Credit Line

Purchase from Dr. R. E. Stewart


Flags: Parts Gone | Lost Loan

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