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This information was automatically generated from data provided by The Burke: University of Washington. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


DESCRIPTION: Ceremonial stone club, prehistoric, probably several hundred years old, broken in two pieces (a:head and shaft; b:tip). Made from basalt, pecked, with an elaborate decoration on the head and a pointed tip at the base. One side of the shaft appears to be naturally flat, while the other side is rounded. At the head of the club are two concentric ridges with a groove in between which encircle the shaft. Above these ridges the shaft tapers and then widens out into a flat projection with four longitudinal raised ridges (and three grooves). The tip piece (b) appears to have a hairline crack running through it approximately 1.25-1.5" from the pointed end. CONDITION: Broken in two pieces (broken when donor was digging it up). It was previously glued, probably rubber cement, but has come unglued. There is a fresh scratch below the broken end of 'b', apparently from a shovel blow. There are also fresh scratches FIDE DONOR: Found by the donor on his farm when he was digging up his yard for an extension on his house. His shovel struck the club and broke it. Farm was located 15 miles NW of Yakima, near the foot of Mt. Clemens. The club was found 16 inches deep on a natural bench of hard packed clay type soil, near the Naches River. It was found about 25 years ago.

Geographical Search Terms

Eastern Washington Middle Columbia North America Pacific Northwest Plateau Washington State Western United States Yakima County

Credit Line

Gift of Mr. Lynn S. Baker

Dimension Details

b:3.300 in, M:11.800 in

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