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Unpainted wood model totem pole. From bottom to top: linear bird figure design on base, beaver figure with frog extending from its chin, upside-down raven ? figure, bird's head with ears, frog, humanoid face with ears, and abstract wing ? design at curved top.


The reference for this model pole is the “Kiks.ádi Pole” standing today in Totem Park, Wrangell, Alaska. The top figure of the pole represents Taalḵunáx̱kʼu Shaa, Devil’s Thumb Mountain. This mountain stands at the back of Taalḵú or Thomas Bay on the mainland across from Petersburg, Alaska. The area belongs to the Taalḵweidí clan who are named after the bay. The frog beneath the mountain figure represents the Kiks.ádi clan who use the frog as their primary crest. The related Ḵaach.ádi clan also uses the frog as their primary crest, so the frog may represent both. The Big Raven looks down on the Little Raven. This pair of figures refers to the story of how Raven obtained the sun, moon, and stars from the Old Man (or Raven) at the Head of the Nass River (Naas Shakée Yéil). The bottom figure is a beaver with a frog on his chest. The exact story here is unclear to me, but the beaver is a major crest of the Raven clans, particularly the Deisheetaan. The G̱aanax̱.ádi and Kiks.ádi also use the beaver, and some people have claimed that the Deisheetaan and Kiks.ádi come from the G̱aanax̱.ádi originally. All three clans share names and stories as well as the use of the beaver, and they all are probably related in some manner.

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