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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Pair of cast silver earrings, each with two series of four graduated discs. Lower two discs have raised borders and are engraved with a star. The third has a raised border and maker’s mark stamped in centre. The fourth and smallest has a hole punched in centre through which a wire is inserted and soldered to form a circle. The earrings are strung on wire which is turned around this circle. Maker's mark.

History Of Use

In 1670 King Charles II of England granted an exclusive fur trading charter to the Hudson’s Bay Company in what was later to become Canada. The company’s mandate was to protect the Crown’s interests and undertake exploration and territorial expansion. Competition for furs was intense, and in 1784 the North West Company was formed by a number of independent trading groups. By 1821 this Company faced bankruptcy and merged with the Hudson’s Bay Company. This latter company still exists today, operating a number of retail stores across Canada, and is known simply as The Bay.

Cultural Context

trade; personal decoration; status

Item History

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