Beaver Pendant
Item number 1590/42 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number 1590/42 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Copper beaver pendant. Engraved details of fur and crosshatched tail. Hole at nose. Maker's stamp on back.
Animal imagery is a significant part of Woodland First Nations tradition, but no documented instance has been found of the use of animal effigies in trade. The place of effigies in Woodlands culture is not known.
In 1670 King Charles II of England granted an exclusive fur trading charter to the Hudson's Bay Company in what was later to become Canada. The company's mandate was to protect the crown's interests and undertake exploration and territorial expansion. Competition for furs was intense, and in 1784 the North West Company was formed by a number of independent trading groups. By 1821 this company faced bankruptcy and merged with the Hudson's Bay Company. This latter company still exists today, operating a number of retail stores across Canada, and is known simply as The Bay.
personal ornamentation
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
Copper beaver pendant. Engraved details of fur and crosshatched tail. Hole at nose. Maker's stamp on back.
personal ornamentation
Animal imagery is a significant part of Woodland First Nations tradition, but no documented instance has been found of the use of animal effigies in trade. The place of effigies in Woodlands culture is not known.
In 1670 King Charles II of England granted an exclusive fur trading charter to the Hudson's Bay Company in what was later to become Canada. The company's mandate was to protect the crown's interests and undertake exploration and territorial expansion. Competition for furs was intense, and in 1784 the North West Company was formed by a number of independent trading groups. By 1821 this company faced bankruptcy and merged with the Hudson's Bay Company. This latter company still exists today, operating a number of retail stores across Canada, and is known simply as The Bay.
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