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Dark blue summer kimono made of fabric with a resist dyed white checkered pattern. Kimono assembled with hand-stitching throughout. The pattern consists of alternating vertical and horizontal, white-gray lines in small squares. There is a wide patterned band around the neck and partway down the centre opening. The short sleeves have an opening under the arms. The inside is unlined.

History Of Use

Miyako jōfu (宮古上布) is a summer kimono fabric. People in Miyako consider that Miyako jōfu derives from Ayasabi fu (綾錆布), the ramie cloth of the striped pattern and of rusty color, which Toji Inaishi (稲石刀自), a woman on Miyako island developed in the sixteenth century.

Specific Techniques

It is likely made of Miyako jōfu (宮古上布), dyed with indigo and woven with dye-resistant yarns of hand-spun ramie from Miyako island, Okinawa.

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