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This information was automatically generated from data provided by National Museum of Natural History. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


From card: "1 hat returned to Museum by Mrs. W. H. Holmes. 1 Ex. Oct. 30/85. 1 Ex. Leiden Mus. May /99. 1 Ex, G. G. Heye, 52 Bdwy. NYC Nov. 12, 1908. Illus. in (US) Nat. Mus. Rept. 1884, Pl. IX, fig. 13, p. 306 (Collected in Queen Charlotte Archip), also in USNM AR, 1888, Pl. XII, fig. 37, p. 260; and (USNM Annual) Rept, 1902; fig. 143; p. 413." From a second, handwritten, card: "Rain hat of basketry. Spruce root, decorated black and red, crown a star, rim a face." The back of the handwritten card has two illustrations of one hat taken from a publication. As of 2005, Anthropology only has one hat with this catalogue number remaining in the collections. The hat is damaged/torn and has been repaired. The red sections appear to have been repainted at some point, and some of the black also. Also, the top and part of the crown of the hat are missing. -F. Pickering Per Dawn Glinsmann, as of 2005, the hat with this number exchanged to Leiden in1899 is still in their collections - object number for it is 1225-85 and it is in the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology), Leiden, The Netherlands. For a small illustration of Anthropology's hat, see Hat 113, p. 221 in Glinsmann, Dawn. 2006. Northern Northwest Coast spruce root hats. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2006. The hat in Leiden is also illustrated by Glinsmann - Hat 176, p. 225. It is in much better condition than Anthropology's hat. On p. 155 of Glinsmann she notes that the Anthropology hat and the Leiden hat " ... have similar painting styles and creatures: a broad-snouted sea-monster is painted in black and red formline design, with appendages that float below to each side of the face."

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