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FROM CARD: "RAVEN. ILLUS. IN USNM REPT, 1895; FIG. 82; P. 451. AN ORIGINAL TAG HAS SOME WRITING, HALF OF WHICH IS IN SHORTHAND SO CAN'T BE MADE OUT, BUT ON THE BACK ARE THESE ITEMS: "QOMOQUE (RICH ONE, AN UNDERSEA SPIRIT) QOAGOAXWALANUXIWAT (RAVEN OF THE CANNIBAL)."Transcription (with notes) [and translation] by Rainer Hatoum, of notes in Boas handwriting on old tag: Hamx'siwe. Raven. 3 // With (an) eagleskin (hanging) to (the) waist. (The dancer wears a) Laqaq on (the) arms, also (at the) elbows and at wrist; (he wears an) ordinary(?) neckring Waistband, knee and ankles. By marriage from Bellabella. Ein Häuptling (wurde) auf (einer) xxx (Insel?) verlassen von seinem Sklaven. Er weint(e.) Und ein Mann weckte ihn (4 Mal.) [A chief (was) abandoned on (an) xxx (island?) by his slave. He cried(.) And a man woke him (4 times.)] (Beim) 4ten Mal biss er (, der fremde Mann, ein) Loch in sein Blanket und sah hindurch. Es war die Maus. Er sagt(:) Ich sah dich kommen. (Er) öffnet (einen) …[(At) the 4th time he bit (the strange man, a) hole in his blanket and looked through it. It was the mouse. He says(:) I saw you coming. (He) opens (a) ...//] Felsen und geht hinein. Hinaus(?) ist(/kam der) Rabe (und stand) an der Türe. Das ist diese Maske. Es war Q'o'moque' // Qoa'qoax walanuxsiwae. Auch im Lao'laxa gebraucht.[rock and goes in. Out came raven (and stood) at the door. It is this mask. It was Q'o'moque'.Qoa'qoax walanuxsiwae. Also used in the Lao'laxa.] Eagle waist, no arms. 169,114

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