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This information was automatically generated from data provided by National Museum of Natural History. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


FROM CARD: "BRACELET.--RED FLANNEL BAND, LINED WITH LINEN CLOTH AND ORNAMENTED WITH BEAD-WORK. TONGASS INDIANS, SOUTHERN ALASKA. CIRCUMFERENCE, 10 1/2 INS. WIDTH, 3 1/4 INS. ALASKA, 1872. 11,413. COLLECTED BY VINCENT COLYER."Provenience note, not every object in the collection is specifically listed and identified in the accession file list from Colyer in his letter dated August 29, 1872. The list mentions # "33, 34, 35 Indian beadwork from Wrangel Alaska, Stakeen [Stikine] Tribe." The Colyer collection does not contain a lot of Alaskan beadwork, so it is possible that some of the objects catalogued as E11411 - E11414, and identified as Tongass in the Anthropology catalogue ledger book, might be these objects?Florence Sheakley and Ruth Demmert, elders, made the following comments during the Tlingit Recovering Voices Community Research Visit, March 13-March 24, 2017. This object was mostly likely used on dance clothes, potentially around the neckline of a shirt or as a cuff. Beadwork was designed and constructed separately from the garment so it could be removed and reused as the garments were replaced.

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