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This information was automatically generated from data provided by National Museum of Natural History. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


From card: "Data is on the card for the earlier number." See Collins. Boat Ms. p. 898. From H. Collins' Smithsonian Boat Collection Ms. p. 898: "A small dugout canoe used by the Koloshian Indians [i.e. Tlingit]. Collected by J. G. Swan, Alaska, 1887 [locality and date problem?, see card and provenience note below]. An open, flat bottom, keeless canoe, with flaring sides; sharp overhanging bow; straight nearly vertical cut water; sharp raking stern; ends curved up strongly; 2 thwarts. Dimensions of canoe: 8 feet 8 inches; beam, 26 inches; depth, 11 inches."Provenience note: Canoe marked and has been identified as apparently originally catalogue # 26786? Catalogue card and ledger book for 26786 say the canoe was catalogued into the Anthropology collections in 1876, having been collected in British Columbia, ca. 1875. However the Collins manuscript entry on the canoe identifies it as collected Alaska, 1887. If this canoe is indeed old catalogue # 26786, as it is marked, then the ca. 1875 date would be correct.

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