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LEDGER SAYS SENT TO MUSEO DE LA PLATA. 1905. Since original object is still in the collections, perhaps it was a cast that was sent instead?From card: "Of marble, held a long time in the Tagwayta family of the Hootz-ah-tai gwan through many generations of chiefs. See Cat. No. 229785 under Anthropological Lab. for 3 casts. Illus. in the Far North catalog, Nat. Gall. of Art, 1973, p. 195. [Identified there as a ceremonial bowl or mortar.] Loan: Dec. 31, 1964 R. H. Lowie Museum, Retd: Feb. 15, 1966. Loan: Natl. Gallery of Art October 20, 1972, Retd: May 29, 1973. Loan: The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria 12/3/75; Returned 3-25-76. Loaned to the Art Institute of Chicago 6/22/77; Returned 12/1/77. Lent to Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire (Brussels), 8-18-92; Loan Returned, 1-26-93."Collector Emmons in accession record information (which has been added to the catalogue card) attributes this piece as: "held a long time in the Taqwayta (accession record) / Tagwayta (catalogue card) family of the Hootz-ah-tai gwan through many generations of chiefs." It can be assumed that the Taqwayta/Tagwayta family probably refers to the Teikweidi clan. Provenance for this object is probably similar/same to that of E221184, i.e. purchased by Emmons in 1903 from a member of the Teikweidi clan in Killisnoo or Angoon, Alaska (see remarks for E221184).

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