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FROM CARD: "LEDGER BOOK ID 204224 AS WALLET, QUINAULT. THIS BASKETRY WALLET WAS INCORRECTLY NUMBERED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE SKIN RIM BINDING AS 204508. THE ORIGINAL HANDWRITTEN TAG, "MISS E.T. HOUTZ COL., ACC-35837, ORIG-8" ALSO HAD CAT. NO. 204508. THE TRIBAL I.D. "CHEHALIS" WAS ADDED LATER IN PENCIL BY ANOTHER WRITER. THE HOUTZ ACCESSION PAPERS DO NOT MENTION ANY CHEHALIS SPECIMENS. THE ORIGINAL NUMBER 8 IS A WALLET, WASCO. INSIDE THE SKIN BINDING OF THIS WALLET ARE THE REMAINS OF A FORMER NUMBER IN INK"...224". THEREFORE THIS SPECIMEN HAS BEEN RE-NUMBERED CORRECTLY: 204224. SEE ALSO NOTE ON CAT. CARD #204224A." FROM CARD FOR E204224A: "204,224 A ... ORIGINAL CATALOGUE HAS NO LISTING OF 204224A; NOR DOES THE HOUTZ ACCESSION PAPERS MENTION ANY QUINAULT BASKETS. THIS IS PROBABLY NOT A HOUTZ COLLECTION SPECIMEN."As of 2009, there are 2 baskets bearing the number 204224: E204224 and E204224A, and the cultural identifications for each appear unclear. The original Anthropology catalogue ledger book entry lists only one object for this number: original # 8, identified as a Quinault wallet (i.e. bag). E204224 is a flat basketry bag. Catalogue card now identifies it as Wasco, not Quinault, though it does not seem typical Wasco style. An old tag on the object also identifies it as possibly Chehalis. It is listed in the database under all three cultural identifications of Wasco, Quinault and Chehalis pending further study. E204224A is a cylindrical basketry bag. Catalogue card identifies it as Quinault, though it is not typical Quinault style (and seems more Columbia River style, possibly Wasco?) It is currently listed in the database under both cultural identifications of Quinault and Wasco pending further study.No catalog card found in card file

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