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This information was automatically generated from data provided by National Museum of Natural History. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


From card: "10/24/61 Technical description by Miss Grace Rogers, Curator, Div. of Textiles: Construction: gauze or twined weave. Warps were held to top cross bar of loom by a 2 ply, 6 strands to each ply, all cotton yarn. Warps themselves of 2-ply yarn made up of 6 strands of cotton yarn in one ply and 2 strands of animal hair in the second ply (possibly goat). Approximately one warp per inch but closer at the selvages. Weft: narrow twisted strips of bird skins (possibly duck) with down filling the intervening spaces. Approximately 7 strips to 2" at the wide end, and 9 strips to 2" at the narrow end. Basic color is an irregular light tan, with spots of darker, and one long border is white and there is another white stripe near the other border. Lent to the Burke Museum 2/23/89. Loan returned Oct 10, 1989." Illus. (in color, as #1296A) Pl. 4, p. 47 in "A Time of Gathering: native heritage in Washington State", ed. Robin K. Wright, University of Washington Press, 1991.

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