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THIS BUCKLE HAS AN ENGRAVED INSCRIPTION ON THE BACK: "MADE BY KINOWEN A HAIDA AT KLEMMAKOAN VILLAGE ALASKA." KINOWEN IS DUNCAN KIN-O-AN OR GINAAWAAN, AND KLEMMAKOAN IS KLINKWAN, PER ROBIN K. WRIGHT. ANTHROPOLOGY CATALOGUE LEDGER BOOK IS BLANK FOR PEOPLE OR LOCALITY FOR THIS OBJECT. CATALOGUE CARD LISTS IT AS "SITKA INDS. ALASKA." THE MAKER OF THE CATALOGUE CARD MAY HAVE ASSUMED 19553-6 WERE FROM SITKA SINCE 19552 IS IDENTIFIED AS SUCH. - F. PICKERING 6-29-1999 Illustrated Fig. 4.34, p. 209 of Wright, Robin Kathleen. 2001. Northern Haida master carvers. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Wright attributes to maker Duncan ginaawaan of Klinkwan, and notes that it is inscribed in James G. Swan's handwriting on the back: "made by Kinowen, a Haida at Klemmakoan village." Illustrated Fig. 139, p. 108 in Bunn-Marcuse, Kathryn B. 2007. Precious Metals: silver and gold bracelets from the Northwest Coast. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2007. Bunn-Marcuse identifies the buckle as collected by Swan in 1875 at Wrangell from a woman named Annie, who claimed to be a relative of Duncan ginaawaan.

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