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FROM CARD: "ILLUS. IN THE FAR NORTH CATALOG, NAT. GALL. OF AR., 1973, P. 164. LOAN: R. H. LOWIE MUSEUM, DEC. 31, 1964. LOAN RETURNED FEB 15 1966." FROM CARD: "CARVED IN RELIEF WITH HUMAN FIGURE, SMALL ANIMALS AND ABSTRACT DESIGNS. ILLUS. IN THE FAR NORTH CATALOG, NAT. GALL. OF ART., 1973, P. 164. LOANED, WHITNEY MUS. OF AMERICAN ART, SEPT. 10, 1971. RETURNED: 2-9-72. LOANED: NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART OCT. 20, 1972. RETURNED: 5-29-73. LOANED: RENWICK GAL. 11-7-73. LOAN RETURNED 8-24-76." FROM CARD: "FROM PAGE 61, BOXES AND BOWLS CATALOG; RENWICK GALLERY; SMITHSONIAN PRESS; 1974. OBJECTS ILLUS. ON SAME PAGE. 44. CARVED BOWL HORN; CARVED IN RELIEF LENGTH: 8 3/4 (TSIMSHIAN?), FORT SIMPSON, BRITISH COLUMBIA. COLLECTED BY JAMES G. SWAN. CATALOGED JANUARY 17, 1876. 20,613."This object is on loan to the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, from 2010 through 2027.Source of the information below: Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center Alaska Native Collections: Sharing Knowledge website, by Aron Crowell, entry on this artifact, retrieved 4-24-2012: Bowl, Tsimshian. A frog and naked man appear at one end of this high-end feast bowl, which was molded and carved from the horn of a mountain sheep. The face of a crest animal was rendered on the other end, along with a second frog. Wing designs extend along the sides of the vessel. Hunting wild sheep and goats in the high coastal mountains was a dangerous pursuit; hunters ascended steep slopes and glaciers in spiked snowshoes, using dogs to drive the animals into bow and arrow range. "This is a very well done bowl, but it is from Port Simpson, where Tsimshian, Haida, and Tlingit people were all living. We may never know exactly which tribe the carver came from. The Haida had to trade with our people to get weaving materials and the horns for making bowls and spoons." - David Boxley (Tsimshian), 2009

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