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This information was automatically generated from data provided by National Museum of Natural History. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


From card: "Marked "Chilkat". This is carved, representing animal and human figures. It was undoubtedly made on the Queen Charlotte Islands and traded to the Chilkat. A bear-mother interpretation. Illus. in Barbeau, Haida Myths illus. in Argillite Carvings, NMC #127, p. 107." Illus. Pl. 81, p. 107 and described p. 150 in Bear Mother chapter of Barbeau, Charles Marius. 1953. Haida myths illustrated in argillite carvings. [Ottawa]: Dept. of Resources and Development, National Parks Branch, National Museum of Canada. Motifs identified there as "In a pipe group, the Bear reclines, on his back, on his captive, who is crawling on all fours. (Centre) The Flying-Frog sits up, her back to the Bear, and the berry picker has a skil [hat ring or potlatch ring] on her head. The young woman appears nude, her head and shoulders thrown back in prostration, her mouth wide open, a skil on her head."

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