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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


The etching is comprised of four rectangles with a border all around them pressed into paper. Paper has deckle edge on all sides and includes ferns, petals, blooms, and grasses in paper fibre. Two rectangles are on the bottom, a larger one on top, and a long slim one at the top of these. Top rectangle is a narrow, dark orange-red band across the top with 'Analysis of Form by Bill Holm' in mirror-image block letters. Below the band, there is the largest rectangle with a central stylized sinewy dark grey figure facing left, wearing a mask, in profile with heavy eyebrows and a large recurved beak with the tip held in its mouth and holding a rattle in the hand on the right. Background at the top left in thin black lines and crosshatching with grey form line, etc., of an incomplete symmetrical northern style image with two similar heads at the top. One head at the centre right and a hand at the lower right. In the lower left quadrant, in pencil, there is a stylized bird, eagle ? Across the field at the figure's calves, there is a row of short diagonal, uneven lines. The bottom two rectangles are hand lettered facsimiles of both sides of an Indian status identification card in dark brown ink and a light brown paint. The rectangle on the left includes, at the top, 'Certificate of Indian Status' and 'Indian and Northern Affairs' with a Canadian government maple leaf symbol between. The artist's name, district, Band, and identity number are also shown. The rectangle on the right has a drawn portrait of the artist on the right and the artist's stats in information boxes at the left. At the bottom, there is a signature and a bird insignia. Some n's and a seven are backwards. Outside the pressed border, but at the same height as the top rectangle, there is a black sewn thread from one side of the image to the other. Inscriptions along the bottom. Some images are similar to the images on the cover of Bill Holm's book, "Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form". The etching is on a vertically rectangular paper piece.

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