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This information was automatically generated from data provided by Brooklyn Museum. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


The figure is the third from the right. This figure has an open mouth with closed eyes. Her arms are held across her chest. Her vagina clearly shows as she is crouching on a smooth ball form. See also 03.325.4527- 34. These figures were all found together inside a painted pot. They were purchased from the German trader, Cronmeyer.

Credit Line

Museum Expedition 1903, Museum Collection Fund


These eight figurines were found inside a ceramic vessel near Sanders, Arizona, but the context of the discovery site is unknown. Their facial features, thin arms, and angular postures point to a Mimbres origin. Similar stone figurines have been discovered in the region in a variety of archaeological contexts, including a burial, a domestic room, and a trash mound. The open mouths suggest some form of communication, and the objects’ small size indicates personal use, but questions remain: Were the objects used for rituals or burial offerings, or as treasured possessions? Were they discarded after one use?

Estas ocho figurillas fueron encontradas dentro de una vasija cerámica cerca de Sanders, Arizona, pero el contexto del sitio es desconocido. Sus rasgos faciales, brazos delgados, y posturas angulares apuntan a origen Mimbres. Figurillas de piedra similares han sido descubiertas en la región en un variado contexto arqueológico, incluyendo un entierro, un cuarto doméstico, y un basural. Las bocas abiertas sugieren algún tipo de forma de comunicación, y el tamaño pequeño del objeto indica uso personal, pero quedan preguntas sin respuesta: ¿Eran estos objetos utilizados en rituales, como ofrendas en entierros, o como preciadas posesiones? ¿Eran desechados después de un solo uso?

Item History

  • Made between 1101 BCE and 1001 BCE

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