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This information was automatically generated from data provided by Brooklyn Museum. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Mummy mask of woven cotton, filled with cotton padding, and painted with features of the Oculate Being, two felines, and three double-headed snakes. Size: adult. Probable wearer: likely male. Vertical cotton warp. Cotton weft. Plain weave, predominantly warp-faced. Pigments with binding medium, hand-drawn.

Credit Line

Henry L. Batterman Fund


The Oculate Being is depicted on this Paracas funerary mask, which was filled with cotton padding to give it a rounded appearance and was probably sewn to the outer wrapping of a mummy bundle. The mask also shows a pair of facing felines and double-headed serpents, creatures that represent power, perhaps to give the deceased potent attributes.

El Ser Oculado está representado en esta máscara funeraria Paracas, la cual tenía un forro de algodón para darle una apariencia redondeada y estaba probablemente cosida a la envoltura externa de un fardo funerario. La máscara además muestra un par de felinos enfrentados y serpientes bicéfalas, criaturas que representan poder, quizás para otorgarle al muerto atributos poderosos.

Item History

  • Made between 201 BCE and 101 BCE

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