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These exquisite ear ornaments would have been worn by Chimú rulers as a symbol of their wealth and authority. On each the central figure, wearing a large headdress, circular earrings, and a wide collar ending in profile snake heads, sits on a double-headed serpent bench. His face is partially obscured by an awning decorated with repoussé birds and geometric designs. The long posts, which were inserted through the earlobes, are decorated with finely engraved geometric motifs alternating with birds, serpents, and other creatures.

Estos exquisitos ornamentos para las orejas pueden haber sido usados por gobernantes Chimú como símbolo de poder y autoridad. En cada uno, la figura central, llevando un gran tocado, aretes circulares, y un ancho collar terminado en cabezas de serpientes de perfil, aparece sentada en una banca en forma de serpiente bicéfala. Su cara está parcialmente oscurecida por un toldo decorado con pájaros en relieve y diseños geométricos. Los largos postes, que se insertaban en los lóbulos de las orejas, están decorados con motivos geométricos finamente grabados, alternando pájaros, serpientes y otras criaturas.

Credit Line

Gift of the Ernest Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Item History

  • Made between 1100 and 1500

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