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Imari porcelain plate decorated with floral panels, clusters of peony and chrysanthemum.


Part of the "Nanking Cargo". This plate was on board the Geldermalsen (aka the Nanking wreck), a Dutch East India Trading Company cargo vessel that struck a reef and sank in the Lingga archipelago (Indonesia), on 3 January 1752. The ship was carrying nearly 150,000 ceramic pieces, 687,000 pounds of tea and 147 Chinese gold ingots from Canton (Guangzhou) to the Netherlands. The wreck of the Geldermalsen was discovered by British salvage operator Michael Hatcher in 1986. Hatcher was strongly criticised by heritage advocates because removal of the ship's saleable cargo took precedence over serious archaeological investigation of the site. The wreck was destroyed and the porcelain auctioned in Amsterdam.

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