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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Wooden box (part a) has stylized floral painted lid (part b) in red, blue, gold, green and white with two curved fingers hold in lower edge of lid. Inside there is a stack of sixty-one flat rectangular cards (part c) with various print designs. In order from top to bottom: seven cards have a grasshopper musician on the top left corner and two ants carrying an object on the bottom right corner, six cards have a fox on the bottom right corner looking up at purple grapes on the top left corner, six cards have a rabbit on the bottom right corner with a turtle at the top of a sunrise hill on the top left corner, eight cards have an animal on the bottom right corner with a frog on a pad on the top left corner, nine cards have a diamond and an orange jelly bean on the bottom right corner and a rooster with two chicks on the top left corner, two cards have a green stem with two yellow flowers in profile on the bottom right corner, two cards have a yellow and a blue flower on the bottom right corner, two cards have a green stem with one pink flower in profile at the top and one pink flower open toward the viewer at the bottom on the bottom right corner, three cards have a green stem and two yellow flowers open toward the viewer at the bottom right corner, two cards have a green stem and two pink flowers in profile on the bottom right corner, four cards have one three-leaf clover and one four-leaf clover on the top left corner, three cards have a green stem with a pink flower angled open from the viewer at the top and a bud at the bottom on the top left corner, two cards have a pink rose and a bud on the top left corner, three cards have a dark blue flower and a bud on the top left corner, and two cards have light blue flowers with yellow centres and a bud on the top left corner.


Part of the Miss Jessie M. Miller Collection. Miss Miller was a teaching evangelist for the Anglican Church of Canada.

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