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A cast bronze idol in the form of a sculptural tube depicting a 'Master of Animals' anthropomorphic figure. There are three human faces on the tube: one at the top, one in the middle, and one at the waist of the figure. Each face has a prominent nose, and the top face has protruding ears. Two fish-like creatures are projecting from the sides of the middle face, and they curve upwards, with their heads flanking the top face. The figure’s arms are holding the necks of these creatures. The figure appears to be wearing a garment decorated with horizontal lines, which can be seen right below the bottom face, above the hips. The figure has wide hips, and its legs join at the bottom to form a narrow cylindrical base.

History Of Use

The symbolism of this object suggests that it may have been a votive figure.
There are several surviving and documented Luristan figures that resemble this object.

Item History

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