Item number 1046/1 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number 1046/1 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Small, flat, pouch style, drawstring bag made from a red and yellow silk/cotton ikat textile, trimmed with beaded silk tassels, which are attached along the outside edges and beneath the drawstring casing. The seam along the outside edge of the pouch is trimmed with multi-coloured piping. Drawstrings are made of braided silk fibre (one is yellow and black, one is red and white), and the ends are trimmed with beaded silk tassels. The top edge is trimmed with a narrow strip to multi-coloured braid (tablet-woven?). Both sides of the bag are identical in construction; the textile on one side is predominantly red, with only a very small amount of yellow and off-white, while the other side has a bold yellow circle on a red background. The bag is lined with tan twill weave cotton textile. A short red and black braided cord is attached at the upper edge, serving as a handle.
According to Clarke Abbott of Tradewind Antiques, the person who collected this piece lived in Kabul in the early 1960s, doing ambassadorial work. He traveled widely throughout the area. He was killed in an automobile accident there, and no further information is available about him or his collection. The piece was subsequently acquired by Tradewind Antiques in Vancouver at an unknown date, and the Museum of Anthropology purchased it in 1984, when the business was liquidating its stock.
The textile used to construct the bag is woven with silk warp and heavy cotton weft, producing a horizontal ribbed texture. This type of ikat textile is called adras.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
According to Clarke Abbott of Tradewind Antiques, the person who collected this piece lived in Kabul in the early 1960s, doing ambassadorial work. He traveled widely throughout the area. He was killed in an automobile accident there, and no further information is available about him or his collection. The piece was subsequently acquired by Tradewind Antiques in Vancouver at an unknown date, and the Museum of Anthropology purchased it in 1984, when the business was liquidating its stock.
Small, flat, pouch style, drawstring bag made from a red and yellow silk/cotton ikat textile, trimmed with beaded silk tassels, which are attached along the outside edges and beneath the drawstring casing. The seam along the outside edge of the pouch is trimmed with multi-coloured piping. Drawstrings are made of braided silk fibre (one is yellow and black, one is red and white), and the ends are trimmed with beaded silk tassels. The top edge is trimmed with a narrow strip to multi-coloured braid (tablet-woven?). Both sides of the bag are identical in construction; the textile on one side is predominantly red, with only a very small amount of yellow and off-white, while the other side has a bold yellow circle on a red background. The bag is lined with tan twill weave cotton textile. A short red and black braided cord is attached at the upper edge, serving as a handle.
The textile used to construct the bag is woven with silk warp and heavy cotton weft, producing a horizontal ribbed texture. This type of ikat textile is called adras.
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