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Beaded snuff container with twisted black and white beaded strands to form a strap. There are red accent beads in between the sections of colour on the strap. The container portion is covered in beaded sections of black and pink and accented with a single white beaded spiral down the length of the container. Each end is rimed with red and white beads. The strap is attached to gourd plugs found at each end of the container.

History Of Use

Snuff container (ishungu, plural amashungu) worn by men, who receive them as a gift from their fiancee. In the early 20th century beaded items were primarily used for courting Zulu adults, and to display wealth and social standing. To initiate a relationship, women give gifts of beaded items to suitors; the more elaborate and extravagant the beads, the more social currency is ascribed to the accessory. In the case of amashungu, extravagance and pleasure are on full display and denote its wearer as a high-status, wealthy, and culturally-relevant individual. As a symbol of courting status, amashungu are designed to facilitate effective and peaceful socialization between the male suitor and his soon-to-be in-laws.


Collected by Captain E. M. Wilmot.

Specific Techniques

Amashungu are made using a beadworking technique called gongqoloza, which involves wrapping a string of already-strung beads around a core.

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