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Large lacquer tea bowl with intricate designs around perimeter. The object was donated with a maker’s card which describes its makers and place of origin. The designs around the perimeter were taken from reliefs in Bagan Temple, Burma. The central design is bordered on top and bottom by small patterns in orange-red and green against a black background. These borders depict small beings - such as deer, fish and elephants - within intricate frames. The central design features Buddha in various standing and sitting poses. There is also a large, reclining elephant depicted. The elephant wears a hat and a cloth over its back. In each pose, the Buddha’s hands and feet are in very specific positions. He wears a variety of clothing from one figure to the next but his elaborate head dress remains the same. The various positions include: sitting on his knees, pouring tea, receiving tea, sitting cross-legged, sitting on knees holding a bat, standing with palms pressed together and standing with one arm upraised. On the bottom of the bowl, orange-red lines form a circular border containing text written in green. This circle is open in a small section. There is a standing bird with a long tail within the border with text. The interior of the bowl is painted solid black.


Maker's card included with bowl from the Golden Cuckoo Lacquerware Work Shop, Myin Ka Par village, near Bagan.

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