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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Portable altar containing a three dimensional figure of the Virgin del Cisne (town in Ecuador) holding a baby. The top and side walls of the altar are painted blue. The front of the altar has an elaborate façade. There is an arched opening in the middle of the façade that reveals the figures inside. A pane of glass encloses the figures inside the altar. The innermost part of the arch is painted yellow. Slightly outwards, there is a raised gold border that follows the line of the arch. On either side of the arch, there are blue pilasters with gold borders and gold capitals. Above the arch, the wall ascends into a curved roofline that looks like a flattened onion dome; it is painted green with red and blue accents. At the top of the dome, there is a flower-shaped finial. The flower is pink with blue flowers and gold accents. The walls on either side of the central dome ascend into triangles. They also have pink and blue finials at their apexes. The upper portion of each of the walls is painted yellow-white with red and blue detailing. Where the side walls border the pilasters, they are painted yellow with a red and blue scalloped detail along the outer edges. Inside the altar, the side and top walls are painted yellow-white with pink details. The figure of the Virgin stands upon a two-part plinth. The lower part is cylindrical and is painted yellow-white with green splotches. Atop the lower portion, there is a small blue mound. The Virgin is barefoot. She wears a gold crown, a long red jacket and a yellow-white dress with gold embroidery. In her left hand she holds a gold staff and in her right hand she holds baby Jesus. The child wears a yellow robe with gold trim. The skin of both figures is pink. The back of the object is unpainted. There is a piece of paper affixed to the back of the object with paint. On it, the subject of the altar is written in blue pen. There is also a piece of tape with a number written on it in blue pen.

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