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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Secular portable altar containing three dimensional figures representing a hat shop. The exterior walls of the altar are painted yellow-white. On the sides and tops of the object, there are pink, purple, yellow and orange spirals painted over top the background. On the front of each of the two doors of the object, there is a painted flower. The flowers are painted red with purple and yellow accents and green leaves. Over the doors there is a triangular piece of wood attached to the top of the altar that creates a peaked roofline on the façade. It is painted yellow with orange circles decorating it. The insides of the doors have red, purple and grey flowers painted on them. There is also a yellow flower with long stamen painted in the corners on each of the doors. The interior walls of the altar are painted green with purple borders. Twenty three white wide-brimmed hats with black bands around them are hung on the walls. In the lower left corner of the image, a man in a yellow cap, purple coat and purple pants sits upon a red stool. There is a red bowl resting on the ground in front of him. Right of the man, there is a man standing upon a brick-like object. He wears a red jacket, yellow shirt and blue pants. In front of the man, there are four hats resting on the ground around him. The hats are in various stages of being formed. In the lower right corner, there is a man in a green jacket and purple pants sitting upon a red stool. In his left hand, he holds a piece of thread. In front of him, there is an orange hat stand with four hats on it. There is also a grey mortar and pestle. On the back of the object, the artist’s name, a date and a location written in red paint. Also, a year is written in black pen and a number is written in pencil.

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