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Framed and mounted for the exhibition Gifts Discoveries, but not glazed. Stored in frame.


This limited edition print of the RRN logo was given to the Museum by the RRN's steering group, Leona Sparrow, Dave Schaepe Andrea Sanborn, Karen Estrin, Sue Rowley. A copy has been given to all of the RRN Founding Partners. Terry Point (Musqueam) and William Wasden Jr (Kwakwaka'wakw) were RRN interns in 2004-5 and collaborated to create the RRN logo. Notes about the RRN, held in the archives read Terry suggested design elements based on traditional navigation and creation themes: messengers would travel by canoe to bring news to communities and invite them to gatherings; salmon, a symbol of renewal, navigate through streams and oceans, guided by the stars. These ideas allude to the RRN's goal of facilitating community renewal and knowledge by navigating the Internet and museum collection management systems. Wa, the artist, added his ideas; raven bought the moon, sun, firers, tides and salmon to his peopleExhibited: On display in 'Gifts and Discoveries', LKS Gallery from 25 May 2012- 17 February 2013, R.Hand

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