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Malawian chitenga cloth, commemorating Malawian independence. The repeating pattern shows a banner at top and bottom saying “BEST OF LUCK”, images of the first president Hastings Banda with the words “OUR BELOVED PRESIDENT”, a rooster, and the rising sun behind the outline of Malawi with the words “6th July 1960” and “REPUBLIC OF MALAWI”.

History Of Use

Chitenge cloth, traditionally worn like a sarong or used as a carrying cloth for a baby.

Iconographic Meaning

Commemorates Malawian independence and the dawn of the new republic. Malawi became a fully independent member of the British Commonwealth on 6 July 1964. In 1966 Malawi adopted a republican constitution and elected the first president, Hastings Banda.


Collected by the donor in the town of Limbe, in the Blantyre district, in 1966.

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