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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Drawing on horizontal rectangular sheet of paper of a summer scene with three rows of action. In the upper row at the far left is a human face. To the right a man is kneeling with his arms raised. He is wearing a green parka and is in front of what might be a burial or an inuksuk. To the right a woman and a child in a one piece suit appear to be playing. To their right two women in green parkas peep out from behind a rock outcrop. At the far left of the next row a man appears to be drowning. Above him is a long kayak on which numerous things are happening. A man stands on the prow of the kayak with a kakivak in his hand. To the right a person is standing on the kayak holding something in his right hand. To the right the kayaker sits with his paddle in his hands. Behind him is a man standing on the kayak holding a kakivak with a fish caught in it. Beside him is a woman in a green amautiq who is keeling on the kayak and jigging. She has a fish on her line. Beside her is a man sitting on the kayak. At the stern of the kayak another man stands - he is holding a lure in his left hand and using the kakivak with his right hand - a fish seems to be interested in the lure. To their right a bird stands on a rock in the water and immediately below is a bird head in the water. On the bottom row to the far left is a man perched on a rock in the water, he is reaching towards a man on shore who is holding an arrow in his left hand and a bow in his right. To the right is a caribou that has just been shot with an arrow from a hunter to the far right.

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