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Silk pillow. Object is round, flat on top and bottom, with a thick, straight edge. Red silk covers a paper structure, holding a sawdust filling. A triangular silk label is attached to the top centre, light in colour with black embroidery in Chinese characters.

History Of Use

One of these pillows (#3110/26-27) was used as a cushion for a 'wooden fish' block from her collection (#3110/16-18). The blocks often rest on a small cushion in order to prevent knocking sounds caused by the surface of a hard table or ground, as well as to avoid damage to the instrument. The other pillow was used under the brass bowl gong (see #3110/20).


The items in the Chen Pu Yi collection (3110/1-27) belonged to the donor's grandmother, who passed away in 1983, at the age of 74. She was born in the Fujian province of China to a peasant family. Her father was an opium addict and was heavily in debt. She was sold into a well-off family in the city as a maid at 13. Soon after it was arranged that she would marry the younger son of that family. It was an unhappy union from the beginning as they shared little in common and, as an uneducated peasant girl, she was not considered to be a worthy life companion. Soon after the marriage his grandfather took on other mistresses and wives, and the relationship was marked by quarrels. Feeling trapped, and as a victim to circumstance, Chen Pu Yi resorted to a prayerful and contemplative life as a devout Buddhist. She could not read or write, but she was able to memorize by heart the scripts in the books. She recited them from cover to cover every morning for the rest of her life, as she prayed and meditated. She moved from China to Hong Kong after the war and later, with her eldest son, to Vancouver. She was a kind, gentle and generous person and in her quiet, simple way she endured and perservered. The donor felt her story to be typical of many women growing up in China at that time, and hoped the collection would help convey the story to younger generations.

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