House Post
Item number 3289/61 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number 3289/61 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Painted house beam. Slice of a tree trunk, covered in plaster on the front, with the bark left on the back. The part that has been plastered is painted with natural pigments. The beam would be read bottom to top. At the bottom is one of the patron saints; the Virgin of Asuncion. In phrases divided by various patterns, such as flowers and llamas, the beam depicts a range of daily activities such as sowing seeds and weaving. The persons represented are named in writing. At the top of this beam is the sun.
These beams are painted collaboratively for newlyweds, and are an important means of transmitting cultural knowledge to the younger generation. The people of Sarhua traditionally paint the wooden beams of their houses with depictions of family genealogies and religious and social rituals. These beams demonstrate syncretism in that the base shows Catholic saints, while the top of the beam always shows the sun. The inclusion (importance of) the sun relates to the Incan Sun God - Inti, the national patron of the Incan state. These beams often register the act of making the beam for the newlyweds. The beams are handed over to recipients in a ceremony called the "tablapaycuy" (in Quechua).
This is a reproduction of a Sarhua house beam originally made by Poma and Yancca, in January 1962. Venuca Evanan Vivanco is working to build a new Empresa Comunal de Sarhua on family land in Delicias, Lima. She hopes to revitalise Sarhuino artistic traditions. This piece (and the others bought from her) were held in Lima for a month following their purchase, because of controversy in the press following the acquisition by MALI (Museo de Arte de Lima) of some original testimonial paintings from Sarhua. The museum was accused of supporting terrorism.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
This is a reproduction of a Sarhua house beam originally made by Poma and Yancca, in January 1962. Venuca Evanan Vivanco is working to build a new Empresa Comunal de Sarhua on family land in Delicias, Lima. She hopes to revitalise Sarhuino artistic traditions. This piece (and the others bought from her) were held in Lima for a month following their purchase, because of controversy in the press following the acquisition by MALI (Museo de Arte de Lima) of some original testimonial paintings from Sarhua. The museum was accused of supporting terrorism.
Painted house beam. Slice of a tree trunk, covered in plaster on the front, with the bark left on the back. The part that has been plastered is painted with natural pigments. The beam would be read bottom to top. At the bottom is one of the patron saints; the Virgin of Asuncion. In phrases divided by various patterns, such as flowers and llamas, the beam depicts a range of daily activities such as sowing seeds and weaving. The persons represented are named in writing. At the top of this beam is the sun.
These beams are painted collaboratively for newlyweds, and are an important means of transmitting cultural knowledge to the younger generation. The people of Sarhua traditionally paint the wooden beams of their houses with depictions of family genealogies and religious and social rituals. These beams demonstrate syncretism in that the base shows Catholic saints, while the top of the beam always shows the sun. The inclusion (importance of) the sun relates to the Incan Sun God - Inti, the national patron of the Incan state. These beams often register the act of making the beam for the newlyweds. The beams are handed over to recipients in a ceremony called the "tablapaycuy" (in Quechua).
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