Rod Puppet
Item number Ib329 a-d from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number Ib329 a-d from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Three-dimensional male humanoid puppet: large head (part b) fits into body with skirt (part a), and a control rod (part d) with a long shaft that passes through the body and fits into the neck of the figure's head. The control rod (part c) from the figure's right arm has become detached. The body has jointed arms, each with a long controlling rod attached. Pale orange face, gold neck. Small black moustache, almond-shaped narrow eyes, narrow painted mouth. Headdress includes gelung supit urang, sumping, gold jamang, and Garuda Mungkur. Headdress black with gold, red, turquoise trim. Green and red painted necklace. Turquoise and red bracelets on upper arms and wrists. Hands at right angles to arms. Arms in two pieces attached with string at elbows and shoulders. String through palms to which sticks are attached. Wearing gold cross-over bodice, black apron with red fringe, silver and gold trim. Long gold belt hanging loose. Dark red cotton skirt. Head moves through 360 degrees.
Javanese puppetry as an art form probably developed by the 11th century. The three-dimensional wooden wayang golek puppets of western Java appeared during the 16th century. Originally the plays depicted Javanese mythology, but after the Indian conquest of Java the Hindu epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata, were incorporated into the cycles, which comprise about 200 plays. An individual or group hires a dalang (puppet-master) to celebrate important occasions. The performances often last all night and are generally presented in three acts, with vocal and instrumental accompaniment. The individual plays vary widely in detail but usually involve conflict between good and evil. They serve a moral and religious purpose, and more recently, one of political commentary. Each puppet's character is represented by its appearance and placement onstage; protagonists with strong elements of good are placed to the right, antagonists of violent or evil nature to the left. Satria Gondrong is an ideal warrior; the evident hair earns him the nickname of "knight of the long hair". Known for his loyalty, faith in the code of honour, and courage, he is a popular character who appears in most sets.
Theatrical performance.
Puppet features many traits indicating quality, nobility, and spirituality. Pale face, fine facial features show beauty and good nature. Elements of headdress reflect high birth. Rich clothing and ornaments further display the character's importance. These features indicate the puppet portrays the character of Satria Gondrong.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
Theatrical performance.
Puppet features many traits indicating quality, nobility, and spirituality. Pale face, fine facial features show beauty and good nature. Elements of headdress reflect high birth. Rich clothing and ornaments further display the character's importance. These features indicate the puppet portrays the character of Satria Gondrong.
Three-dimensional male humanoid puppet: large head (part b) fits into body with skirt (part a), and a control rod (part d) with a long shaft that passes through the body and fits into the neck of the figure's head. The control rod (part c) from the figure's right arm has become detached. The body has jointed arms, each with a long controlling rod attached. Pale orange face, gold neck. Small black moustache, almond-shaped narrow eyes, narrow painted mouth. Headdress includes gelung supit urang, sumping, gold jamang, and Garuda Mungkur. Headdress black with gold, red, turquoise trim. Green and red painted necklace. Turquoise and red bracelets on upper arms and wrists. Hands at right angles to arms. Arms in two pieces attached with string at elbows and shoulders. String through palms to which sticks are attached. Wearing gold cross-over bodice, black apron with red fringe, silver and gold trim. Long gold belt hanging loose. Dark red cotton skirt. Head moves through 360 degrees.
Javanese puppetry as an art form probably developed by the 11th century. The three-dimensional wooden wayang golek puppets of western Java appeared during the 16th century. Originally the plays depicted Javanese mythology, but after the Indian conquest of Java the Hindu epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata, were incorporated into the cycles, which comprise about 200 plays. An individual or group hires a dalang (puppet-master) to celebrate important occasions. The performances often last all night and are generally presented in three acts, with vocal and instrumental accompaniment. The individual plays vary widely in detail but usually involve conflict between good and evil. They serve a moral and religious purpose, and more recently, one of political commentary. Each puppet's character is represented by its appearance and placement onstage; protagonists with strong elements of good are placed to the right, antagonists of violent or evil nature to the left. Satria Gondrong is an ideal warrior; the evident hair earns him the nickname of "knight of the long hair". Known for his loyalty, faith in the code of honour, and courage, he is a popular character who appears in most sets.
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