Model Totem Pole
Item number 3360/1 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number 3360/1 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Model pole fully carved on the front and sides, and hollowed in a V-shape on the back. Likely carved of alder, with a separate base of painted fir. Figures represented from bottom to top include: a bear holding a killer-whale in its mouth; a human with its hands over the bear's eyebrows; a bear holding a downward-facing raven in its mouth; a salmon in the raven's mouth; a killer-whale in split view; an eagle. The pole is highlighted with some elements painted green-blue, black, red and white. Other areas are unpainted. The base is painted black and nailed on.
Attributed to a school of artists including Luke Watson (primary carver), working in collaboration with George Smith and/or Thomas Moody. The carving is characteristic of the work of several Skidegate Haida artists of the first half of the 20th century, influenced by the style of John Cross.
The pole is said to have been given to D.M. MacKay (the donor's father) by someone from the W.H. Collison family. MacKay was Commissioner of Indian Affairs for BC in the 1940s. There is a photo of the pole, as part of the W.H. Collison collection, in the Northern BC Archives (2009.7.1.196).
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
Attributed to a school of artists including Luke Watson (primary carver), working in collaboration with George Smith and/or Thomas Moody. The carving is characteristic of the work of several Skidegate Haida artists of the first half of the 20th century, influenced by the style of John Cross.
Model pole fully carved on the front and sides, and hollowed in a V-shape on the back. Likely carved of alder, with a separate base of painted fir. Figures represented from bottom to top include: a bear holding a killer-whale in its mouth; a human with its hands over the bear's eyebrows; a bear holding a downward-facing raven in its mouth; a salmon in the raven's mouth; a killer-whale in split view; an eagle. The pole is highlighted with some elements painted green-blue, black, red and white. Other areas are unpainted. The base is painted black and nailed on.
The pole is said to have been given to D.M. MacKay (the donor's father) by someone from the W.H. Collison family. MacKay was Commissioner of Indian Affairs for BC in the 1940s. There is a photo of the pole, as part of the W.H. Collison collection, in the Northern BC Archives (2009.7.1.196).
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