Puppet Prop
Item number 3350/11 a-b from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number 3350/11 a-b from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Sausage machine prop (part a) and sausage links (part b), from a Punch and Judy puppet set. Sausage machine is an open-backed wooden, rectangular box with plastic tubes on the top and front. Tube on box front is thinner than the one on top. Semi-circular sticker above tube on front reads “Sausomatic.” Word is written in rainbow colours. Yellow crank handle on left side of box. Sausage links are stuffed and made of pink fabric. Seven sausages in link. Operated by inserting sausage links into tube at front of machine, from the back, and manually feeding them through. Handle would be cranked simultaneously.
Punch and July is a well-known puppetry tradition in England, UK. The first recorded show took place in London in 1662, but the tradition dates back to 16th century Italian commedia dell’arte and the character Punchinello. The performance is a series of skits full of humour, violent episodes, political satire, and puns, with audience participation encouraged. The main characters are Mr. Punch, his long-suffering wife Judy, their baby, and a host of set characters: the Policeman, the Devil, the Ghost, the Doctor, the Crocodile, Joey the Clown, Toby the Dog, etc. (from Shadow, Strings & Other Things, 2019).
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
Punch and July is a well-known puppetry tradition in England, UK. The first recorded show took place in London in 1662, but the tradition dates back to 16th century Italian commedia dell’arte and the character Punchinello. The performance is a series of skits full of humour, violent episodes, political satire, and puns, with audience participation encouraged. The main characters are Mr. Punch, his long-suffering wife Judy, their baby, and a host of set characters: the Policeman, the Devil, the Ghost, the Doctor, the Crocodile, Joey the Clown, Toby the Dog, etc. (from Shadow, Strings & Other Things, 2019).
Sausage machine prop (part a) and sausage links (part b), from a Punch and Judy puppet set. Sausage machine is an open-backed wooden, rectangular box with plastic tubes on the top and front. Tube on box front is thinner than the one on top. Semi-circular sticker above tube on front reads “Sausomatic.” Word is written in rainbow colours. Yellow crank handle on left side of box. Sausage links are stuffed and made of pink fabric. Seven sausages in link. Operated by inserting sausage links into tube at front of machine, from the back, and manually feeding them through. Handle would be cranked simultaneously.
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