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Opera dei Pupi puppet of the character named Agolaccio. Three-dimensional marionette carved of wood (part a) with detachable head (part b) mounted on a long metal rod with hook at the top. He has a thick black moustache and small goatee. He wears black pantaloons with vertical red bands, a white tunic and a black cape. He is heavily armoured with body armour with a detachable neck guard (part c) and a helmet. His right hand has a partial gauntlet. The body is jointed at the elbows, shoulders, and hips, held together by fabric underneath main outfit. The left wrist has a length of black-brown cord tied to it, which also attaches a small circular gold shield, with an eight-petaled flower design, to his forearm. The right hand is clenched in a fist, which a small metal sword (parts d-f) is inserted through, which also inserts through the eye of one end of a long metal rod (part g) with an eye hook on each end. There is a metal band across the bottom of each heel.

History Of Use

Puppet (Opera dei Pupi) representing the character Agolaccio. Opera dei Pupi is an internationally recognized form of marionette theatre from Sicily. Originating in the early 1800s, Opera dei Pupi is based on medieval romances and epic stories of King Carlo Magno (Charlemagne, 742-814 CE) and his Christian knights, who defended Europe against pagan and Islamic forces. The plays involve pomp and ceremony, unrequited love, violent battles and the death of puppets, as glinting swords clash, shining armour rings, bodies split and heads tumble. One example of a scene on stage is Orlando Furioso, which is based on the Italian epic poem by Ludovico Aristo, published in 1516. It shows King Carlo Magno calling forth his faithful knights, including the brave female knight, Bradamante, in preparation for battle. One at a time, he calls their names and sings their praises. On the edge of the scene lurks the villainous Agricane, King of Mongolia, who has captured Princess Angelica, whom Orlando loves.

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