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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Doll representing a woman carrying a baby. Doll is made of brown fabric and has short black hair. Her facial features are stitched on with thread. She has long thin eyebrows, small eyes, a straight nose and smiling mouth. Eyebrows are done in black, eyes are white and black, nose and mouth done in pink. She is wearing a Basotho-style hat, woven out of plant fibre. The hat is conical with a wide circular brim and loop on top. Hat is stitched to head along forehead. She is dressed in a white short sleeve blouse and red skirt. Both items have curvilinear designs across them, done in black. Skirt also has floral motifs and repeating pattern of Basotho-style hats. Skirt has a back opening and a manufacturer’s mark(?) is printed along the bottom edge. Woman has a white, yellow and brown checkered and striped blanket wrapped around her shoulders, secured with a safety pin. Tucked in the blanket, on her back, is a baby covered in a white and green geometric patterned cloth, with a central house design. Baby is made from brown fabric and has small eyes and a smiling mouth stitched on in white thread. Doll is attached to a white metal stand.


The doll was produced by Basotho women as part of an income-generating initiative. Retail spaces included a handicraft market in Lesotho’s capital city, Maseru. The doll was acquired in the Kingdom of Lesotho, between 1984-1986, when the donor was working as a volunteer for World University Service of Canada.

Iconographic Meaning

The doll is a generic representation of a Mosotho woman c. 1985. Her attire includes a blouse and skirt made of 'seshoeshoe' cloth (a printed, dyed cotton fabric widely used in traditional clothing) and a blanket. She also wears a traditional Basotho hat. The clothing items were typical of those worn by Basotho women at the time the doll was purchased.

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