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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Green stone carving of a man pulling up a seal. Man has oval-shaped eyes, straight nose, and incised mouth and eyebrows. Finely incised vertical lines across forehead, imitating hair. Figure is wearing a parka, with the hood up, pants, and tall boats. Trim of hood and boots are carved in relief. Trim along bottom edge of parka and cuffs done with incised lines. Man is sitting with his legs spread out. His right is lying flat and bent away from his body, and his left is propped up. Between his legs, he is holding the head of the seal with both hands. The seal is staring upward, with its back to the man and fore flippers held in front of its body. The lower body and hind flippers curve below the man. Circular indents in the face, imitating eyes and nostrils, with incised lines around, imitating whiskers and the mouth. Claws and hind flippers are carved in relief. PUDLOO E7-9 on base.


Carving was possibly made by a member of the Padluq family, from Kimmirut? (inscription PUDLOO E7-9?) The carvings in this donation (3495/1-9) were mostly collected by Kathi McKay, who was a teacher on Baffin Island in the 1970s. She later lived in Yellowknife.

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