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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


White rectangular card with a black lithograph print on the right side; card in horizontal orientation, design is vertical. Design is of a man being crowned, witnessed by four other males. Outer two figures have long cloths wrapped around them and are holding tall staffs; each staff has a platform at the top with scenes depicted on them. Staff on left has human figures riding a four-legged animal; staff on right has smaller figures surrounding a large woman. Two bands of rattle-like protrusions along length of left staff; inverted U-shape underneath platform on right staff, with carved birds facing one another inside the U. Other three figures are bare-chested, bald and wearing long patterned wraps. The figure closest to the left is holding a wide-bladed sword over their head, and the figure in the centre is crowning the man towards the right side of the card. The crowned figure is wearing multiple long strand necklaces, arm and wrist bands, and is holding a three-pronged torch-like object in his right hand. The crown the centre man is holding has large feathers(?) at the front and long chains on either side. In the foreground of the design, there are small human-like figures holding swords and shields. Artist signature and inscription in bottom right corner. Back is undecorated; light fold marks through middle.

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