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Photographic print of a mother and child on horseback; figures are done in black and have yellow halos. Mother is wearing a long cloak, secured at the throat with a brooch, and has her right arm wrapped around her child; left arm is resting against back of horses' neck. Reins of horse flow into the lines of mother's cloak; horse mane also highlighted with yellow. The image is painted on a gold and silver car hood; centre of hood is silver, side panels are gold. Edition number, 12/224, title, artist signature, and date made are written below image; embossed artist signature in bottom right corner.


In 2022 Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaa launched a fundraising project to help Ukrainian victims of the Russian war. He had an exhibition scheduled for the autumn of 2022 at the TSEKH Art Gallery in Kyiv, Ukraine. One of the works that was meant to be displayed was a car hood artwork called "Kyiv Child", a piece he created after visiting Ukraine in 2019. Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas wrote: “I made many friends on that trip, and now they are huddling in basements, holding their children close. They worry about food, water, and Putin's indiscriminate bombing of civilians. A print was created using an image of the artwork; the prints went on sale March 28, with all proceeds going to UNICEF Canada. Malaspina Printmakers provided the high-quality art paper and pigment, labour, and press at no cost. Others donated funds to cover other expenses so that 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the prints would go to charity. The funds to purchase the print were contributed by the MOA Volunteer Associates in April 2022.

Iconographic Meaning

The artist wrote: “This work, Kyiv Child, is inspired by a centuries-old stone carving from St. Michael's Cathedral in Ukraine's capital city. On that carving, a warrior on horseback carries a spear. For my adaptation of this work, the ‘stone’ is now the hood of a ZAZ-AA03 Slavuta car manufactured in a post-Soviet Ukraine. And the warrior is replaced by a mother and child travelling over a plain gilded in gold and silver."

Specific Techniques

Aqueous pigment and screen print, on luster photo paper.

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