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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Hoop-like leather earrings decorated with glass, seed, and plastic beads, and metal charms; earrings have different beaded patterns on front. Both earrings are rectangular with rounded tops; semi-circular protrusions along top edges, on front and back, where earrings secure. Both protrusions decorated with beaded stripes on front and back. Two semi-circular and one triangular beaded protrusion on outer edges of both earrings, with metal charms extending from them. Semi-circular protrusions have plastic buttons in their centres; protrusions on left earring (part a) are backed with leather. Metal loops on inner edges of both earrings, towards top. Earrings have three sections of decoration: semi-circle on top, main body, and small groupings of beads and a plastic button along bottom edge. Upper section of left earring is solidly decorated with a plastic button in the centre; outer edges trimmed with three plain bands. Main body is covered in horizontal rows, trimmed with stripes on all sides. Upper section of right earring (part b) has a ray-like motif, connecting to a central button. Main body consists of four rectangles with a wide decorative band across middle; all sides trimmed with multi-coloured stripes. Circular beads run down centre of main body of right earring. Backs and interior of both earrings are undecorated.

History Of Use

Older style earrings, with seed beads and other decorations sewn onto tanned cow hide. Traditionally both sexes would stretch holes in their ear lobes from childhood. By adulthood, these wide earrings could hang through the holes, with the leather at the top.


Collected by Rudolf Kovanic in 1999, from a Maasai village bordering the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. Kovanic was in the area filming a wildlife series.

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