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A complete sling (waraqa). The central cradle is finger-woven and the two handles on either side are solid braids. Both handles have a finger loop braided in near the ends.

History Of Use

Several types of slings are used for different purposes in the Andes. Men and boys traditionally use slings for hurling stones in warfare, hunting and/or herding (waraqa in Quechua; honda in Spanish), a practice that has roots deep in the Pre-Columbian past. Males often wore their sling like a headband, as depicted in ancient ceramics from the Early Nasca Period (0–300).


Purchased by the donor in 1983 in Huancayo, from the maker.

Specific Techniques

Sling handles are usually made as solid braids, a technique that is done by holding the braid in one’s fist and crossing threads from the four quadrants across the crown of the braid. Variations in colour, slant, and sequence in the crossing threads produce a variety of diamond or oblique patterns. Slings have a flat ovoid section near the middle, which serves to cradle the stone that will be hurled. The sling was likely spun with a horizontally held spindle. This type of spinning is a technique that men use for the production of coarser yarns used in textiles that they make, which include slings, ropes, and under belts.

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