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Ledger drawing titled, 'White Horse'. The drawing shows the profile of a person in full regalia riding a horse while another horse runs beside it. The three figures are spaced so that they are not blocking each other with the furthest horse being in the lead. The lead horse is white with yellow colouring and grey fore legs, wears a blue bridle and has red 'painted' designs of three lines and a hand print. The second horse, which is being ridden, is white with blue patches, and wears a red bridle, strap and saddle. The person wears a large headdress, a breastplate, and leggings. They fire a gun with their right hand, shown with a small red explosion and a bullet, and are holding a shield in their left hand. The drawing is very angular. The ledger sheet has holes down the centre fold where it was bound, and is numbered 107/108, and 125/126 in the top corners. Hand-printed notes on back.


Said to have been collected by Constable Walter Ing (c. 1881-1926) of the North-West Mounted Police (RNWMP), who was stationed in the Weyburn District, Saskatchewan, in 1907-1908. Walter Francis (Frank) Ing moved to Vancouver around 1918. The donor purchased the drawing from an auction of Ing's estate in Vancouver (Ted Pappas), in the 1980s.

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